Naked: The Sex, Money and Power Talk
Some of us treat our nether parts the way we treat our money— we give them away…knowing very little about either
When I was pregnant with my firstborn, a neighbor who I used to run into while walking to the bus stop gave me some unsolicited good advice. She said, “Teach your child that when she’s stripped of everything, she’s still worth something.” But how could I, when I didn’t feel like I was worth much? Over the years, people that I respected and admired had said things to me like, “You’re built for hard labor,” or “you’re the perfect woman; I just wish you were packaged differently.” And let’s not forget my favorite: “You’re pretty for a dark-skinned girl.” Not having an hour-glass figure with perky breasts and big shapely legs didn’t help my cause. Over time, I was able to hide or overcompensate my “shortcomings” through the clothes I wore or by what I accomplished. And yet, my low sense of self worth played out in both my sexual and financial relationships. I gave away sex and money without even looking at them. The problem was this: I was on the discount rack. And to get off, I had to face myself, all of me, no filters, no armor, no clothes…I had to get naked.

Naked: The Sex, Money and Power Talk is about turning our vulnerabilities into our strengths.
In it, I argue that some of us treat our vaginas the way we treat our money; we give them away to others without even looking at them. Or we use them simply as a means of transaction, manipulation and control without ever really tapping into their full power. And while this is an uncomfortable truth, we have the power to take back control. You have the power to reclaim your sexuality and finances, and it starts with “getting naked”--literally and figuratively. It starts with facing the parts of yourself that you’ve been taught to fear, be ashamed of, and to hide. Don’t worry, this is not a “respectability” talk, but it is a talk that will offer you a set of tools that can help you gain power and respect in both the bedroom and boardroom. Join me in this keynote that will revolutionize the way you see yourself, your money and your ability to make an impact in the world. Join me, so I can take you on a journey of transforming vulnerability into power.
Learning objectives:
Identify the root cause(s) of disempowerment across three core areas of your life
Identify a single set of strategies that can make a positive impact on how you move in the world
Shift your mindset around pleasure
Revolutionize the way you build intimate and professional relationships
Here is what you will get from attending this talk…
Some tools to help you heal your relationship with money
Some tools to help you heal your relationship with your body
Some tools to help you grow in power
Lessons on how to leverage the power of vulnerability to make your dreams come true
Inspiration and tips on how to become the hero in your own story by mastering the process of “getting naked”
Experience higher-quality relationships
Increase your bottom line

What if you found yourself in a space where you can…
Have the dual experience of become empowered in the sheets and in your wallet
Spend a weekend with people who believe th
Be part of a movement that empowers women just like you to provide solutions through business
Learning from Dr. Sagashus Levingston directly, in a live environment, versus only through pre-recorded video— imagine the questions you can ask, the laughs and the experiences you can share. Imagine the knowledge, wisdom and inspiration you can receive
Be bold enough to experience the freedom of embracing the body you have— even the taboo parts
Begin to honestly discuss and create strategies for managing the cultural and personal challenges that come with owning your sexual and financial power
Position yourself to be a public inspiration for other women and your children by transforming yourself in these very private (and in some cases secret) ways
Your Hands Are in My Panties
Nothing’s Wasted
What is the best way to set up the room?
Please, if possible, make sure the stage or platform is as close to the audience as possible, 10 feet or less is great!
While Sagashus will move around the stage, she will require a lectern with a told that holds her water, book and notes and a hidden shelf for her purse.
If the AV requires the computer on stage, please make sure the lectern has space for it. Otherwise, please create a setup where the notes, book and technology can all be in the same space. The goal is for Sagashus to be able to move seamlessly between the technology and materials without having to separate them.
Sagashus requires the following A/V equipment be provided:
Wireless lavalier microphone
LCD projector with the capacity to play audio and video
Large screen or screens
Confidence monitor
Sagashus will bring her program on a Flash Drive in a PowerPoint format. But she will also have a backup in Google Sheets.
Is audio/video recording allowed? No audio or video recording of any kind is permitted during the presentation without Sagashus’s prior written permission.
All rights reserved. No selling, distribution, or reproduction of the contents of this article are permitted without the prior written consent of the author.